Craig Dowell

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Craig's Papers

This is a collection of some of the papers I have written recently, in no particular order.

Software Engineering Related: A fairly detailed discussion about real-time scheduling and the impacts of adopting real-time systems into a software develpment organization.


Software Engineering Related: Discusses the problems encountered when trying to statically link C++ modules using global and static constructors; and how one could debug such problems. Goes into fairly great detail about the process.


Software Engineering Related: I wrote the basic tutorial for the ns-3 network simulator project. The tutorial introduces new users to the system and walks them through making basic changes to the system to accomplish a wide variety of commonly desired goals. The document is actually written in Tex and converted to pdf.


Software Engineering and Physics Related: I wrote an embedded automatic calibration system for a Positron Emission Tomograph (PET Scanner). This is a manual for that work that includes extensive background information on the physical processes measured.


Software Engineering and Physics Related: I wrote an embedded automatic calibration system for a Positron Emission Tomograph (PET Scanner). This is a presentation on that system geared to people working with the system at the UW Imaging Research Lab.


Physics Related: I wrote an embedded automatic calibration system for a Positron Emission Tomograph (PET Scanner). This is a presentation on that system geared to physicists interested in how PET works.


Software Engineering and Physics Related: The Large Hadron Collider muon spectrometer is a very large structure with compents that must be extremely precisely and accurately located for calibration purposes. A system of optical distance and angle measurement devices is arranged on the structure. I wrote software in C to validate images taken by the system in real time. I also wrote a Tcl/Tk program that uses a SWIG-generated wrapper to allow offline examination of results. This paper describes that program.


Software Engineering and Physics Related: Drift tubes are particle detectors designed to characterize electron-like particles. They are thin-walled aluminum tubes filled with gas, with an ultra-fine wire running down their length. The Large Hadron Collider muon spectrometer is composed of many thousands of these tubes. During construction, more than a few of these tubes were damaged. Replacement of tubes is not feasible so identification of dead tubes was required. I wrote a Root program to look at cosmic-ray data taken during spectrometer commissioning and use those data to identify bad tubes.


Computer Science and Physics Related: Quantum Information Processing is an interesting field from the perspective of research papers. Both computer scientists and physicists work in the field. It is often the case that research papers written by physicists are incomprehensible to computer scientists and vice versa. I wrote a paper that attempts to bridge the gap. I called it, Quantum Information Processing for Mere Mortals.


Physics and Mathematics Related: The Large Hadron Collider muon spectrometer is a very large structure with components that must be extremely precisely and accurately located for calibration purposes. When the structure was built, some surprising results were seen that disagreed with the theoretical model of displacement due to temperature changes. It was hypothesized that friction with resulting torques was the source of the unexpected deformations. I came up with a mathematical model to describe the hypothesized process and analyzed the results


Physics Related: An Introduction to Nuclear Magnetic Resonance. This paper discusses the underlying physics that are exploited in Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) scans.


Physics Related: An Introduction to Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Imaging describing the process from beginning to end. Not a for-dummies presentation, but I tried to make it as straightforward as possible and relatively complete.


Electrical Engineering and Physics Related: This paper provides an introduction to Radio Frequency ID (RFID) systems and presents an analysis of signals in a commonly used antenna type.


Physics Related: Quantum Gravity Presentation: Discusses why integrating quantum gravity with quantum mechanics is so hard.


Physics Related: Analysis of the gravity assist maneuvers used to route teh Cassini - Huygens probe from Earth to Saturn.


Software Engineering and Physics Related: I wrote a system to gather information in real time from measurement devices on the muon spectrometer alignment system for the Large Hadron Collider, validate the data and store them in an LHC conditions database. This is a distributed system, with the server written in C, the user interface scripted in PVSS (a SCADA system — ProzessVisualisierungs und SteuerungsSystem), and device actions scripted in Tcl/Tk.


Software Engineering and Physics Related: This is a poster I put together for a session at the 2007 Internetional Conference on Computing in High Energy and Nuclear Physics (CHEP) describing my work on the LHC muon spectrometer alignment system mentioned above.


Software Engineering: This is a poster I made for a demo session at the 2008 Association for Computing Machinery Special Interest Group on Data Communications (SIGCOMM) Conference.


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Craig's Papers
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